Stewardship Ministry

The Stewardship Ministry is dedicated to promoting stewardship through education to help members be "good stewards" of their time, talent, and treasure.

May 26, 2021

more than just about money

Stewardship means taking care of something that belongs to someone else. In an example from popular culture, in The Lord of the Rings, when the King of Gondor is in exile, a Steward rules in his place. In the Bible, we are called stewards of God’s creation. That means everything in creation belongs to God, not us. That includes our planet, our bodies, our fellow human beings, and our financial resources. And we are called to take care of those things for God and to wisely use those gifts for godly purposes. Members of the Stewardship Ministry help educate others and provides resources to help others be good stewards of their time, talents, and treasure.

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